Bear Attractants are items that are not usually found in the wilderness, and attract bears into the city. By eliminating or managing these unnatural attractants, we can reduce the chances of human-bear conflicts.
The following are four of the most common bear attractants, aside from garbage and fruit trees.
Bird FeedersBoth birdseed and hummingbird feeders provide a large source of calories for hungry bears. Even when hung high in the air or between trees on a clothesline, bears can concoct numerous ways to reach them. The only way to ensure that bears do not become conditioned to seeking out bird feeders for calories is by refraining from using feeders.
List of tips:
Composting is a great way to reduce waste. In fact, it can help prevent your garbage can from becoming over-full and stinky, thus reducing the attractiveness of your garbage to bears. When properly managed, kitchen waste can be added to compost without attracting bears.
Composting Tips:
Pet Food
It may be marketed for dogs or cats, but bears also think your pet's food is pretty tasty.
Tips for Pet Food:
Residual grease and food scraps left on your grill might catch the interest of a bear!
Tips for BBQs:
Reporting Bear ActivityTo report bear activity or improperly managed bear attractants, refer to the information on our Contact page to choose the best agency to contact.
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